Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Jake English's Mysterious Theater of Scientific Romance From the Year 3000 Episode 44

This is a story all about how,
our lives nearly got flipped, turned upside-down.

I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there,
and I'll read you this story from my red easy chair.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jake English's Mysterious Theater of Scientific Romance From the Year 3000 Episode 43

Glorious Godfrey: IIIIIIT'S Time, for Apokalips 's favorite game: APOCKALYPSE BAAAAAAAALLLL!

*Crowd cheers*

Glorious Godfrey: Tonight we have a real treat for you; mortal from the planet earth who think they can stand up to Lord Darksied! Give it up for THE MORONS!

*Crowd boos*

Kanaya: I Hate This Planet

Porrim: And I'm sure the planet hates yo+u back.

Glorious Godfrey: Now, the rules are simple. You must either get past a labyrinth filled with the deadliest traps imaginable, and evade Darksied's mightest warriors armed with lava bats and bring your ball to the opposing team's endzone before they kill you...

Rose: Or?

Glorious Godfrey: ...or you must read this, the worst fanfiction in the universe!

Roxy: ...yeah, i think were gonna go for the ball game.

Glorious Godfrey: Well it's your funeral! Let's get ready to rumbuuuuuuuule! 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jake English's Mysterious Theater of Scientific Romance From the Year 3000 Episode 42

Detective Branflakes: Detective Stapler, the president is going to be here in ten minutes! Have you found any proof that the Nazi Party is funding the North American Man-Boy Love Association?

Detective Stapler I've done better than that; *punches Cronus*

Cronus: Owvwv...

Detective Stapler: This document proves that NAMBA and the Nazi Party are in fact... THE EXACT SAME ORGANIZATION!


Detective Stapler:*punches Cronus*

Cronus: Owvwv...
